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helpdesk_creating_updating_a_grievance [2021/06/04 01:59]
grm created
helpdesk_creating_updating_a_grievance [2021/06/12 10:00] (current)
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 +[[start|Back to Table of Contents]]
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 {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#creating_a_grievance&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#creating_a_grievance&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}}
 ===== ===== ===== =====
 {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Grievance_Type_and_Category&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Grievance_Type_and_Category&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}}
-===== ===== 
 ===== ===== ===== =====
 {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#PAP_Details&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#PAP_Details&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}}
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 === Contract Package === === Contract Package ===
-Set the contract package in this field.  You can narrow down the list of options by using the gray search field between the dropdown field and the options list. Options listed here as contract packages are defined in the [[settings#contract_packages|Settings: Contract Packages]] page.+Set the contract package in this field.  You can narrow down the list of options by using the gray search field between the dropdown field and the options list. Options listed here as contract packages are limited only to the project the current user is assigned to. The full list is defined in the [[settings#contract_packages|Settings: Contract Packages]] page.
 === Channel === === Channel ===
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 {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Summary_and_Action_Taken&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Summary_and_Action_Taken&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}}
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-{{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Involved_Officers&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} +==== Involved Officers ==== 
-===== =====+{{:grievanceadd_dinv1.png?nolink|}} 
 +This section displays officers assigned to handle the grievance and who they are escalated to. As the Helpdesk Officer, you cannot reassign yourself from the grievance. 
 +{{ ::grievanceadd_dinv3.png?nolink|}}When editing/updating a grievance, you will see the date and time the officer was assigned to the grievance. 
 +> A Level 1 GRM receives, logs in, and resolves at most immediate time and level possible, the grievance or complaint filed by the PAP. This will either be at the local level (through Local Help Desks or community-driven platforms such as Tumpukans), or at the “central” (i.e., DOTr) level. Complaints received at Level 1 may be through in-person means (e.g., a local grievance redress office), or through other online channels (mediated through website, social media, SMS technology). 
 {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Involved_Offices&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Involved_Offices&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}}
 +===== =====
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 {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Saving_the_Grievance&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}} {{section>superadmin_creating_updating_a_grievance#Saving_the_Grievance&nouser&nodate&noeditbtn}}
-[[projectadmin_using_the_journal_imt_emt|Using the Journal, Internal Message Thread, and External Message Thread]] \\+[[helpdesk_using_the_journal_imt_emt|Using the Journal, Internal Message Thread, and External Message Thread]] \\